Sunday, 11 May 2014

How To Create Spring Project By Maven Through Eclipse

You require Eclipse Kepler version for creating Spring Project by Maven through Eclipse.
Follow the following steps.
1. Start eclipse and click on File menu.
2.Form  File Select Maven Project 
click on Next

3. Tick mark Crate a simple project (skip archetype selection).

4. Assign Group Id (your package name )& Artifact Id (your project name). Click on Finish.

Now you can see the directory structure as follows.

5. Add spring Dependency as shown in following figure.
There dependencies download all the required jar file to your local repository.You haven't need to download spring library files manually.
Note:-While adding Dependencies you must have internet connection and it will take 10-12 Min to download all dependencies to your system.

6. Now you can develope your spring project , the development environment is set up.

You can develop your Java files into : src/main/java & Spring configuration file into src/main/resources .

1 comment :

  1. Follow all the steps to set up environment for your spring development.
