If is a selection statement which allows you to control the flow of program's execution based upon condition known only during run time.
The if statement is java's conditional statement.It is used to perform task depending on whether the given condition is true or false.
Flow chart of If
The if statement is java's conditional statement.It is used to perform task depending on whether the given condition is true or false.
//if block code
Here , If condition is true then statements inside block executed otherwise these statements skipped.Flow chart of If
Let's see simple program of if statement
package org.modi;public class Ifstatement{public static void main(String[] args ){int i=10;if(i ==10){System.out.println("This is if statement");}}}
This is if statement
If...else statement
If the condition is true then if block execute.Otherwise else block is execute.
if(condition){//if block}else{//else block}
Here, if condition is true then if block executed otherwise else block executed.
Flow chart of If..else
Let's see simple program of if..else statement
package org.modi;public class Test{public static void main(String[] args ){int i=10;if(i >10){System.out.println("This is if statement");}else{System.out.println("This is else statement");}}}
This ia else statement
If the value of i is 10 then if block executed and it will print This is if statement.If values of i other than 10 then else block executed and it prints This is else statement.
Nested if...else
a nested if is an if statement within if or else statement.when we require to check more than one condition then we can use nested if..else.
Form-1if(condition 1)statement 1;if(condition 2)statement 2;
Form-2if(condition 1)statement 1 ;elseelse-statement;if(condition 2)statement 2;
Let's see simple program of nested if..else statement
package org.modi;public class Test{public static void main(String[] args){int i=62;if(i>18){System.out.println("You are eligible for voting");if(i>60){System.out.println("You are Senoir citizen");}}else{System.out.println("You are not eligible for voting");}}}
You are eligible for votingYou are Senoir citizen
package org.modi;public class Test{public static void main(String[] args){int temp=-2;if(temp>10){System.out.println("Hot day");}else{System.out.println("cool day");if(temp<0 p="">0>{System.out.println("Water become ice");}}}}
cool dayWater become ice
The If-else-if Ladder
if(condition1)statement1;else if(condition2)statement2;else if(condition3)statement3;....elseelse statement;
Here,If condition 1 is true then statement 1 is executed.If condition 1 is false then condition 2 is tested.If condition 2 is true then statement 2 is executed,otherwise condition 3 is tested.If any conditions false then else statement executed.
package org.modi;public class IfLadder{public static void main(String[] args){int i=85;if(i>=90){System.out.println("A Grade");}else if(i>=80){System.out.println("B Grade");}else if(i>=70){System.out.println("C Grade");}else if(i>=60){System.out.println("D Grade");}else{System.out.println("F Grade");}}
B Grade
Important point:
1.If if block contains only one statement then it can be included without enclosing in curly brackets.
2. == must be used for comparison in expression of condition.If we use = then it always return true because it's used for assignment not for comparison.
int a=10;if(a==10)System.out.println("a is equal to 10");
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